I was surprised when Scott came running up from behind me. He is definitely someone that I usually never see during a race since he's so fast. We chatted a bit then he smoothly pulled away and I never saw him again. Sounds like he had a bit of an adventurous race, you can read about it here.

Enjoying an early morning buffet
The miles passed quickly along the bike path as I tried to stay on the dirt portion next to the pavement as much as possible. Quite a few people went by me and I wondered if they knew what the second half of the race was like. This is one race that if you burn too many matches in the first half, the second part will eat you up.
Cheerleading chickens along the path

Significant mile mark just before Beals Pt. (26.2)
There's a bit of uphill as you leave Negro Bar and head to Beals Pt. and I was surprised at how tired I started to feel. But I knew my family would be waiting for me at Beals so I just kept plugging along.

Coming into Beals Point
The girls making sure my chip and race number still match
Caitlyn, one of my biggest fans
I got some more S-caps from Pat, visited the restroom, got some food and headed back out. As I rounded the park I noticed that Pat and the girls had crossed the parking lot so I got to give my girls one last hug. Suddenly I found myself very emotional. I didn't want to continue running. What was the point? I was tired, I had just run a marathon, and I was with my family. But I knew I wouldn't stop because I wasn't at the finish line and I'm not a quitter. Plus I wanted to see what this year's finishers jacket looked like!
Hard to say good-bye
As I made my way to Granite Bay I finally started finding my rhythm. I was back on trails and I was feeling strong.
Beautiful trails in Granite Bay
Last year the section from Granite Bay to Rattlesnake Bar destroyed me. Singletrack with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns, I could never get comfortable. This year I ran the uphills strong and the downhills on the edge of control. I was having so much fun and passing lots of people which only made me feel stronger after getting passed so much at the beginning. I came into Rattlesnake in 8 hours which is 25 minutes faster than last year.
I hit the bottom of the last 3 mile climb in 9:20 and started doing the math. Could I break 10 hours? On this steep section I was averaging 13-15 min/mi so I knew it would be close. I had spent over 10 minutes back at Beals Point with my family and I started wishing I had about 5 of those minutes back. But I really wanted to try and break 10 so I put my head down and started repeating to myself: never give up, never give up.
The girls watching the finishers
Finally the finish line came into view and I saw Caitlyn run towards me from the side lines. For the first time she ran with me and we crossed the finish line together. It was a wonderful experience. The clock said 10:03:36 but suddenly those lost minutes at Beals didn't matter so much.
Finishing together!
Gretchen and I sporting some nifty finishers jackets
Julie Fingar did a fabulous job putting on this race as Race Director. The volunteers were excellent, filling my hydration pack with ice water and getting me anything else I needed. We couldn't have asked for better weather and I have to applaud all the runners who chose this race to be their first ultra. I hope they all had as good a time as I did. I look forward to taking another 35 minutes off my PR next year! Results can be found here.
Great race descriptions by you and Scott (I kind of just stumbled upon his and then your blogs while looking into descriptions of the AR50) - AR50 was my first ultra and I also thought they did a great job. Congratulations on a solid finish.
Nice job Catherine!! I love those pics of you and your girls!
It's really funny how similar our race reports are, I think it's great. Apparently we had a very similar day! :) Next time we'll have to figure out how to line up a few more miles together during the race.
I also grabbed that picture of me at the aid station and added it to my blog--thanks!
Given your "lost time" at Beals, I think we'll all give you credit for a sub-10. You have the best crew out there. Congrats! Way to charge at the end.
It sure was neat to run with you a bit at the start. I should forget my gloves more often!
NICE RUN!!! You and Gretchen are animals. Keep it up, and the pics were great as well. I was just at Granite Beach for the first time last week...your pics make me want to go back already!
I just got to read about you day and see all the wonderful pictures.
We are so proud of you and Pat and Caitlyn and Sara. You made me cry. Love you so much. Mom
Excellent writeup. You should turn pro.
Fun to see Caitlyn in her Great Grandmothers cute sweatshirt. xoxoxox
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