Monday, June 16, 2008


Sorry for the delay, busy camping this weekend. I got in to talk to my doctor and the verdict is this: the MRI is inconclusive. Surprise, surprise. It does show inflammation in the bone marrow which we don't know the cause of. Perhaps over-use, perhaps something else. I just had a CT scan done last Friday and am scheduled to get a bone scan this Friday. Hopefully these new tests will be more forthcoming with some answers.

Overall, it does feel better except when I run. So I don't run. It doesn't hurt when I ride my bike so I've been doing a lot of that and having a lot of fun. Yesterday we watched the Nevada City Bike Classic, a 1.1 mile circuit race through downtown and it got my competitive juices flowing. I raced this race in 2003 and it was the second hardest thing I've done (behind Leadville 100 the year before). I'm even contemplating trying to get back into bike racing shape. We'll see.

Hope everyone is getting out and enjoying this wonderful weather (at least on the West coast). Hope the taper is going well for those going to the Big Show on the 28th (Western States 100). Hope to be at the finish line to cheer you on.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

If its bone-related I think you'll get your answers from the bone scan. Take care!