Ahhhh, relaxing at Lake Tahoe (this lasted about 10 seconds)
I never camp over Memorial Day weekend because of the crowds and besides, the weather was terrible this year. So we decided to head to Lake Tahoe last Sunday-Tuesday. We stayed at DL Bliss State Park at a perfect site. Growing up we were hard core, we didn't stay in campgrounds, we didn't even have a tent (that made for some soggy nights). I must say I've become a little wimpy because the conveniences of running water and bathrooms are sure nice while the kids are this young. However, after this trip, I'm not partial to state parks, too many rules.

"Where are my feet?"

The weather was perfect and we loved exploring the beach and trails. Pat did a run on the Rubicon trail towards Emerald Bay while the girls and I explored the wonderful rocks along the trail. He was only going to do 2-3 miles but ended up doing 5, he just didn't want to turn back. He got into that running mode where it almost feels effortless and you can't wait to see what's around that next corner. He insists that we come back to run this trail when I'm running again. I can't wait.

Caitlyn enjoying her new Camelback after climbing a big rock

Getting the next generation running
We had a blast roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire. Caitlyn kept saying how much she loves camping which made me feel so good. Sunday night was pretty cold, high 30's and the next morning was only mid 40's so it took awhile to get warmed up. Around 10:00 we loaded up in the truck to find an area more conducive to dogs and Sara instantly fell asleep so we decided to drive around and explore. We headed over Luther Pass to Hope Valley then up to Blue Lake. The campground was still pretty snowed in as well as around the lake. Sara woke up by then so we were able to get out and throw some snowballs for the dog. He also loved playing in the lake, I know it had to be cold though.

Pat and Sara enjoying a moment at Blue lake

Blue Lake

PCT at Tamarack Trailhead
We headed back down to Hope Valley and played along a creek and in a beautiful meadow filled with granite boulders and wildflowers. It was so nice to just relax and enjoy the afternoon without any crowds.

Sara taking Yuba for a walk

Getting tired
Monday night was a bit warmer and we woke to a few clouds as we made our last camp breakfast. That has to be my favorite meal, especially while camping. Nothing like the smell of bacon in the morning. We packed up and were on the road by 10:00. Home with enough time to unpack, clean up, and do laundry. Next camping trip is scheduled for the 13th but this time it will be closer to home at Scott's Flat Lake. It will be the 4th Annual Kiddie Kamp, a camping trip I started with my Mom's Group after we all had our first kids.

On the way to Mt Tallac trailhead
So this weekend was the best camping trip we've had with the girls so far. I know it will only get better as they get older but like I said, it's never too early to start. As my mom likes to say, I learned to walk in a campground.
PS. My doctor has my MRI results locked safely at his office. He doesn't believe in giving patients their results over the phone, he likes to see them in his office to discuss things. Unfortunately, he can't see me until next Tuesday, another whole friggin' week to wait. Needless to say, I'm not happy.
So glad I got to see the pictures of you all. It is so nice to see everyone while we are in Scotland. We are so far away but now I feel better reading about and seeing you all. Sorry about no news from the MRI. You will know soon. Hang in there. The girls look great. They haven't changed too much since Nana and Papa have been gone for almost 5 weeks. Home soon for lots of hugs and kisses. Love you, Mom
Looks like fun! Cute hairstyle too.
: )
Kind of a pain to have to wait for your results. That said, I think you're lucky to have a doc that wants to and is able to give you such personalized service. Rare these days. Take care!
Looks like you have been getting some good time up here in the mountains! I just wish it would get a little warmer...
Do you have any plans to spectate at States? I have a race on Sunday, but would love to see the runners come through...maybe at Foresthill or somehting on Saturday? Let me know, maybe we can hook up!
Nice pictures, Catherine. Sounds like you had a good time with the whole family.
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