Friday, February 15, 2008

And the Doctor Said......

No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Oh wait, that's part of a song my daughter loves to sing.

Anyway, I did see the doctor today and the good news is she agrees it sounds like an overuse injury and she referred me to a physical therapist here in town who happens to not only be a cyclist but a runner too. The bad news is he's extremely busy and I can't get in to see him until March 10. In the meantime.....

Cross train!!! Pat and I were able to get out on the road bikes again today, a little cooler than the other day but still nice. We rode a popular 15 mile loop (the Lemond Loop, it's a loop some local cyclists rode with Greg Lemond when he came to town a few years ago) with some nice climbs and in one hour we were done. It felt weird to be done in just an hour, since I've started ultrarunning I'm use to my workouts lasting for hours. I'm also going to start doing what I know I should have been doing the last couple weeks: ice, Ibuprofen, stretch. Hopefully by the time I get in to see the PT I'll be pain free.

I've also been getting to the pool this week. Since the pool doesn't have a deep end I tried running along the lanes with my feet pushing off the bottom. It made me think of the "anti-gravity treadmill" where you get to run without the pounding and it felt pretty good. I will try to incorporate some real running back into my schedule based on pain threshold.

Here's hoping for the best..............


Peter Lubbers said...

Sorry to hear about your injury, Catherine. Get well soon!

Sarah said...

Hopefully you'll get better with self-treatment and won't need the PT. Best of luck to you!